[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionReal Estate & Passive Income Paying Off Your House 2 1/2 Years Faster and Without Sending Extra Payments to the Mortgage Company Each week, Doug Andrew posts new videos to his 3 Dimensional Wealth YouTube channel. Recently,…Doug AndrewNovember 9, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionTax-Free Retirement Income How Much Do You Need to Save for Retirement? Each week, Doug Andrew posts answers to questions he receives on his 3 Dimensional Wealth…Doug AndrewNovember 1, 2020
[PODCAST]Guaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income What’s the Best Way to Invest a Lump Sum of Money? Doug Andrew's 3 Dimensional Wealth YouTube channel is a place where he answers questions for…Doug AndrewOctober 19, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionTax-Free Retirement Income What Is the 4% Rule for Taking Income From an IRA or 401(k)? As a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist for more than 46 years, Doug Andrew…Doug AndrewSeptember 27, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionTax-Free Retirement Income Why Will You Likely Be In a Higher Tax Bracket When You Retire? Doug Andrew is asked a lot of different financial questions each week on his 3…Doug AndrewSeptember 21, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income What’s the Difference Between Universal Life & Whole Life? Doug Andrew's 3 Dimensional Wealth YouTube channel is a place where viewers often ask common…Doug AndrewSeptember 14, 2020
[BLOG]01. Financial DimensionTax-Free Retirement Income 3 Ways to Tell Whether You’re On Track To a Comfortable Retirement By now, you probably know that Doug Andrew has a 3 Dimensional Wealth YouTube channel…Doug AndrewSeptember 7, 2020
[PODCAST]Tax-Free Retirement Income How Do Tax Cuts Help the Economy? Among the questions that Doug Andrew regularly addresses each day on his 3 Dimensional Wealth…Doug AndrewAugust 24, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Never Lose Money Due to Market Downturns – How to Protect Your Retirement Investments For more than 46 years, Doug Andrew has been a retirement planning specialist and financial…Doug AndrewAugust 17, 2020
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionTax-Free Retirement Income How to Invest Your 401(k) After Retirement – Roll It Out to a Totally Tax-free Bucket For years, Doug Andrew has advised people to roll their money out of their qualified…Doug AndrewAugust 10, 2020