Doug Andrew changes lives.

He’s helped thousands of families save millions.

doug andrew from 3 dimensional wealth

About Doug Andrew

As an innovative financial strategist, Doug Andrew is also a bestselling author. He’s a sought-after speaker. He’s a YouTube influencer and a radio show host. And above all, he’s a devoted husband, father of six, and grandfather of 20.

For nearly five decades, Doug Andrew has dedicated his career to empowering thousands of clients to find a brighter financial future. But it’s not just their finances he cares about—it’s their entire lives, their families, and the legacies they’ll leave.

Through extensive research and years of development, Doug Andrew has created his exclusive 3 Dimensional Wealth strategies, a holistic program that helps individuals and families create abundance in all 3 Dimensions of life: Financial, Foundational, and Intellectual.

He’s written more than 10 books that show readers how to develop their own 3 Dimensional Wealth abundance. His books include the business best-seller, Missed Fortune 101, the New York Times best-seller and Wall Street Journal #1 book, The Last Chance Millionaire, and his groundbreaking book on leading truly prosperous families, Entitlement Abolition.

Doug Andrew co-authored one of his latest books, The LASER Fund, with his sons Emron Andrew and Aaron Andrew. The LASER Fund has helped thousands of individuals and families save millions and find greater financial peace of mind through leveraging properly structured, maximum-funded Indexed Universal Life policies (what Doug Andrew calls IUL LASER Funds).

the laser fund book by doug andrew of 3 dimensional wealth

Doug Andrew has also appeared on

PBS, Fox Business, and CBS and has presented for organizations such as Tony Robbins and the Asset Protection Group.

Building on some of the best thinking from internationally-renowned mastermind groups he’s participated in, Doug Andrew has also developed a suite of 3 Dimensional Wealth Tools that can elevate professional, personal, and family life.

With all his accomplishments, perhaps one of Doug Andrew’s greatest strengths is his ability to be open, to share how he’s turned setbacks into opportunities, and to empower others to do the same. In fact, it’s one of those setbacks that became a defining moment for Doug early in life and set him on his current path.

Doug Andrew and his wife, Sharee, had just built their third home. It was their “dream home.” It had 6,400 square feet, cathedral-beam wood-decked ceilings, and a master bedroom deck where they could watch the deer and elk bed down in the scrub oak below them. They thought they had the world by the tail!

Two years later, the early 80s recession rippled across America. Like so many others across the country, Doug and Sharee experienced a series of setbacks they never imagined. A sudden loss of income made them financially vulnerable. They made ends meet by selling other properties they owned, but eventually found themselves facing foreclosure on their dream home.

That experience is what spurred Doug Andrew to explore financial strategies that could protect him—and ultimately, his clients—from market volatility. He went on to become an expert in Indexed Universal Life policies, teaching others how to properly structure and maximum-fund
these policies to enjoy liquidity, safety, predictable rates of return, tax-free income, and income-tax-free transfer of wealth to loved ones after passing.

Doug Andrew was able to turn this otherwise demoralizing experience into something positive that has gone on to bless thousands of lives. Through his work, he reminds us that we can all turn our setbacks, challenges, and successes into catalysts for growth.

Doug Andrew’s 3 Dimensional Wealth mission is to inspire, elevate, and transform lives. Here’s to your own transformation!

You can read more about Doug Andrew here.