[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income What Is Arbitrage and What Makes It a Win-Win? What is arbitrage? Not many people could answer this question without first consulting a dictionary.…Doug AndrewJanuary 2, 2023
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Eliminating the Dangers That Cause People to Outlive Their Money Eliminating the danger in life can take many different forms. In this week's episode, Doug…Doug AndrewDecember 5, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income What Is Arbitrage? It’s a Win-Win What is arbitrage? This is a question that not everyone can answer with confidence. In…Bryan HydeNovember 28, 2022
[PODCAST]Guaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income The Best Advice to Follow: Don’t Follow the Herd The best advice to follow is going to vary depending upon the experience of the…Doug AndrewOctober 31, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Outpacing Inflation & Making It Work for You Outpacing inflation is one thing. But making it work for you is an even better…Doug AndrewOctober 24, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomePortfolio and Earned IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Main Benefits of a Trust Over a Will – Here Are 6 Powerful Examples Understanding the main benefits of a trust over a will gives you and your children…Doug AndrewOctober 17, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeReal Estate & Passive IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Getting Out of Debt, Doug’s Take vs. What Other Financial Planners Say Getting out of debt is a big deal. There are plenty of financial planners out…Doug AndrewOctober 10, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income The 6 Main Benefits of a Trust Over a Will Understanding the main benefits of a trust over a will is something that will not…Doug AndrewOctober 3, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial Dimension02. Foundational DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income Equal Distribution Can Lead to Unequal Outcomes Equal distribution is a term we often hear when it's being applied to a person's…Doug AndrewSeptember 26, 2022
[PODCAST]01. Financial DimensionGuaranteed IncomeTax-Free Retirement Income The 4 Leading Dangers That Cause Retirees to Outlive Their Money Doug Andrew takes time each week to answer various questions posed by his students and…Doug AndrewSeptember 12, 2022