Getting Out of Debt, Doug’s Take vs. What Other Financial Planners Say

Getting out of debt is a big deal. There are plenty of financial planners out there that have their own ideas on the best approach, and many of those planners sincerely want to help the people who listen to them. At the same time, many of them consider their audiences to be financial jellyfish.

Doug Andrew has a different approach to getting out of debt. This is because his learning experience differs from these other planners. Once you’ve heard Doug’s take, you’ll likely agree that it accomplishes more than simply paying off what you owe.


  • What are the 3 marvels of wealth accumulation that Doug teaches? Learn about compound interest, tax-free compounding and safe, positive leverage and their undisputed advantages.
  • How does leverage provide such a decisive advantage? Doug explains the ability to own and control assets with very little or none of your money tied up or at risk in that asset..
  • Why is leverage a good thing? Doug lays out the reasons why leverage makes the world go around.
  • What does Doug mean by, leverage without liquidity is stupidity? Discover how trying to pay off your mortgage too quickly can bring unanticipated problems.
  • How do you keep your real estate equity separated to keep liquid access to it? Doug shares the importance of being able to access your money when you need it.
  • Why is it a mistake to send your mortgage company extra money on the principal each month? Doug spells out how putting that money into his preferred savings vehicle will let that money work for you instead of the lender.
  • And much, much more…

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